Co-Packaged Optics: Inevitable but Not Imminent
Copper Replacement Remains the Killer Application
Optical Circuit Switching Market to Exceed $1B by 2028
Compelling Usage in AI Applications Driving Widespread Adoption
Over 20 Million 400G & 800G Datacom Optical Module Shipments Expected for 2024
AI Deployments Create Unprecedented Ramp in Datacom Optics
Metro WDM Market Faces Shift as Operators Move to Pluggable Coherent Optics
Hyperscale Operators Grow Hardware Spending 7%
Datacom Optical Component Revenue Doubles in 2Q24
Record pluggable coherent shipments are not enough to reverse Telecom revenue weakness
IP-over-DWDM Port Deployments to Top 700k in 2027
Cloud Operators Drive Adoption of Converged Architecture
Demand for Datacom Optical Modules Reaches Record Levels in 1Q24
400 and 800GbE module shipments jump more than 25% QoQ
Optical and Routing Hardware Spending Drops 15% in 1Q24
Excluding Growth in China, Sales Declined 21%
AI Deployment Accelerates 800GbE Optical Growth
Coherent optics growth is healthy but Telecom component market remains in doldrums
Cloud Spending on Optical Transport Jumps 46% in 4Q23
Traditional Service Provider Spending Remains Weak
30% of Metro WDM Hardware Spending to Shift to Router-hosted Coherent Pluggables
IPoDWDM represents a $1.6B Opportunity by 2026
WDM Transport Spending Weakens During 2Q23
Network Operators Absorb Inventory and Pause Orders
Linear Drive will be a Small Fraction of 800GbE Market
Promise of Power Reduction but Challenges Will Limit Deployment
100ZR Coherent Pluggable Deployment Begins in 2024
Will Provide the Greater Uplink Bandwidth Needed for Access Network Upgrades
Datacenter Optical Component Revenue Rebounds 14% in 3Q22
400GbE Optical Module Unit Shipments up 50%
North American WDM Transport Spending Surpasses Pre-Covid Levels
Optical and Packet Transport Spending Weaker in EMEA and Asia
Datacom Optical Component Revenue Nearly $5B in 2021
Almost 2M 400GbE Transceivers Shipped for Datacenter Applications
Shipments of 400ZR Pluggable Coherent Modules Jump in 4Q21
Pluggable Coherent shipment volumes are expected to triple in 2022
IP-over-DWDM and Coherent Pluggables to Impact Metro WDM Spending
Metro forecasts cut as historical growth rate of 6% is expected to flatten by 2023
North American Optical Transport Spending to Accelerate
Long-Haul WDM Spending Mix Reaches Record Levels