OFC 2024 Marketwatch Presentations

Trends in operator spending, datacenter optics, and sanity checking the optics forecast for AI applications.

OFC 2024 Preview

Key themes to watch – AI, 800G, and everything else

GEN120+ Coherent Trials and Deployments

Cignal AI is tracking announcements of Gen120 (120+ GBaud, 1+Tbps) optical trials and deployments.

ECOC 2023 Market Focus Presentation

The Era of Pluggable Coherent – Don’t Bet Against IM-DD – What Does 3.2T look like?

Applied Optoelectronics Vendor Summary Report

AOI made news recently with its intention to sell its Chinese manufacturing facilities and partnership with Microsoft for laser development.

Ekinops Vendor Summary Report

France-based Ekinops has grown rapidly on a reputation for customer attentiveness and product focus.

Assessing the Impact of IP-over-DWDM

Inputs, Assumptions, and Feedback

Maximizing Network Performance with 1.2 Terabit Coherent Optics

The latest 120+ GBaud coherent technology is arriving.

OFC23 Preview: Is IP-over-DWDM Ready to Cross the Chasm?

Will 400ZR and its variants usher in the long-awaited era of IP-over-DWDM? 

OFC23 Preview: High-Performance Coherent Optics

It has been two years since a new high-performance coherent optical generation was commercially introduced and it’s time for new generation announcements. Expect to hear more about Gen120P at OFC23.

OFC23 Preview: High-Speed Datacenter Optics

OFC23 will offer an opportunity to see how much further and faster direct detect optics will take communications inside the data center

Previewing 800/1.6Tbs Client Optics

Understanding the next wave of 100Gbps and 200Gbps PAM4-based modules

ECOC 2022 – Fracturing of the 400ZR Market

Market Focus Slides Available for Download

100ZR – Coherent Optics at the Network Edge

Learn How Network Operators Will Build and Deploy Coherent Technology In Access Networks

II-VI and ADVA announce a shakeup in the 100ZR market

These companies announced a collaboration on QSFP28 100ZR modules. This report is Cignal AI’s analysis of that announcement and its implications.

ROADM Deployments by Size and Technology

The Transport Application Report now includes ROADM & line system deployment data

OFC 2022 – Marketwatch State of the Industry

Slides available

Using 400ZR+ To Deploy IP over DWDM

Pluggable coherent deployments are underway. Learn how this powerful technology is transforming network architecture.

OFC 2022 – Sneak Peek

Here is a sneak peek of the hot topics of discussion at OFC 2022

Beyond 400ZR Title Slide

Beyond 400ZR – Expanding the Reach of Pluggable Coherent

Learn How High-Performance Coherent Pluggables Can Address a Broad Set of Network Applications