This report includes:

- Revenue market share results for companies selling Telecom, Datacom, Industrial, and Consumer optical components.
- Detailed component unit shipments, including coherent and direct detect Telecom modules and 400/800 GbE Datacom modules.
- Forecasts for revenue and component unit shipments for 2022-2027.
The Optical Components Report will continue to evolve and cover additional telecom and datacom components, including additional datacenter optics, passive components, lasers, and more..
On June 22, 2023, at 11AM EST Cignal AI will give a live presentation of the Optical Components Report. Clients may register to attend by following the link below. A replay and downloadable presentation file will be available after the event.
Report Info Excel PDF PowerPoint Live PresentationSummary and Highlights

Optical Component Revenue and Market Share Highlights
- Datacom optical component revenue plummeted -20% YoY as inventory adjustments by large equipment companies and hyperscale operators hit hard.
- Telecom optical component revenue was down sharply (-13%) for similar reasons.
- Consumer optical component revenue was up 34%, but Q1 is off-cycle and rarely indicative of market strength.
- Industrial optical component revenue declined -5% YoY for the quarter.
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