This report includes:

- Revenue market share results for companies selling Telecom, Datacom, Industrial, and Consumer optical components.
- Detailed component unit shipments, including coherent and direct detect Telecom modules and 400GbE Datacom modules.
- Forecasts for revenue and component unit shipments for 2022-2026.
Future versions of the Optical Components Report will cover additional telecom and datacom components, including additional datacenter optics, passive components, lasers, and more.
On October 6, 2022, at 11AM EST Cignal AI will give a live presentation of the Optical Components Report. Clients may register to attend by following the link below. A replay and downloadable presentation file will be available after the event.
Report Info Excel PDF PowerPoint Presentation ReplaySummary and Highlights
Optical Component Revenue and Market Share Highlights
- Two-quarters of unanticipated QoQ declines in Datacom revenue lowered Cignal AI’s 2022 forecast growth rate from +23% to +16%.
- Telecom revenue stalled this quarter as market leaders posted flat YoY growth.
- Record 2Q Consumer revenue for II-VI (now Coherent) drove strong growth for the segment.
- The 2022 forecasted growth rate for Industrial revenue was lowered from +12% to +3% due to flat YoY performance.
Optical Component Unit Shipments Highlights
Datacom Components
- Shipments of 400GbE optical modules flattened this quarter after extraordinary growth during the prior two quarters.
- The drop in 400GbE-DR modules (-30% YoY) offset strong growth in other module formats.
- At 52%, DR remains the highest volume share of 400GbE modules. The share of FR shipments increased to 34%.
- Forecasts for 800GbE and 1.6TbE modules were added to the report this quarter. The few reported 800GbE shipments to date are for lab testing with emerging switching chips and hardware prototypes. Systems supporting 800GbE are planned for 1H23 with volume in 2H23.
Telecom Components
- Gen60C (pluggable 400Gbps) continues to be the driver for overall telecom bandwidth growth.
- Gen90P (600/800Gbps) shipments recovered from last quarter’s shortfall to grow more than +100% YoY.
- 100Gbps DWDM modules (coherent and PAM4) shipments are in decline, but 100ZR is a possible area of growth in 2023.
- 200Gbps Gen30 coherent is starting to decline and will transition to Gen60 in China.
- Gen60P (400/600Gbps embedded) is still growing. The ultimate split between Gen60C and Gen60P will depend on Chinese operators.
Vendor Summary Reports
Cignal AI Vendor Summary Reports highlight the most recent quarterly financial results and items of interest for select vendors. The following optical component vendor reports are available this quarter:
Release Notes
- For a complete list of companies and company segments included in each product category, refer to the report info.
- Unless otherwise indicated, all growth percentages in this report are Year over Year (YoY).
- All information included in this report reflects information available as of the date of publication. For the most up-to-date data, please refer to the Live Excel deliverable for this report.
- Forecasts for 800GbE and 1.6TbE Datacom components and 800ZR Telecom components were added to the report.
- The “Non-ZR” Gen60C category was eliminated, with those components moving into 0dBm CFPx.
- Cisco, Effect Photonics, Furukawa, Intel, Mitsubishi, Molex, and SONT Technologies optical component revenue is included in the “Other” category.
- Marvell’s June results are included in Q2.
- By request, a “Datacom vs Telecom” section was added to the Excel deliverable.
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