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On November 16th, Cignal AI issued full optical equipment market share analysis for 3rd quarter 2016 (3Q16), to be followed by an adjunct report two weeks later. This second report, issued on November 30th, extends our analysis and summarizes forecasts and outlooks for the industry through 2020.

Subscribers to the Optical Hardware Report are able to download an excel file with actual results through 3Q16 along with detailed, up-to-date forecasts.

Excel PDF

There were some minor changes to our forecast for the full year of 2016 during 3Q16:

  • We slightly re-balanced North American LH and Metro spending split for 2016. We previously adjusted for 2017; the mix shift is arriving earlier.
  • Moved Japan to slight YoY growth based on the arrival of very strong YoY results.
  • Raised CALA slightly as the rebound in 2H16 is beating our expectations.
  • No changes to China forecast; we recognize the conservative 4Q number but this is based on cautious YoY guidance from Huawei.

Detailed discussion of our near and long term forecasts follows.

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