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Optical Components Report

Report Overview:

Provides quarterly corporate revenue market share by end-market segment and quarterly shipment numbers for select optical components.

  • Revenue-based market share for optical component sales into Datacom, Telecom, Industrial, and Consumer applications
  • Total unit shipments of Datacom optics categorized by speed (400G/800G/1.6T) and reach (SR, DR, FR, LR)
  • Total unit shipments of Telecom optics categorized by maximum speed, form factor, and technology (direct detect ER/ZR, PAM4 DWDM, and coherent)
  • Market share for OEM coherent port shipments of 100G/200G/400G/800G/1.2T+, including 400G and 800G pluggables
  • Detailed unit shipment forecasts for each Datacom and Telecom optical module category. No market share for detailed unit shipments is provided; unit shipment data from component vendors is anonymous.

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Report Information
Summary This report provides corporate revenue market share by end-market segment as well as the detailed market size for select optical components. It illustrates the high-level revenue trends for the optical component industry, including vendor performance in each category. It also provides unit shipments (without market share) for specific optical component products in the Datacom and Telecom end markets. Market share of coherent port shipments by OEMs is included. Forecasts are based on expected spending and shipment trends for given applications.
Methodology We collect vendor revenue from public sources to compile market share, estimating when necessary. Companies may provide public guidance but in some cases, we make estimates based on external sources, such as the delivery of components to vendor and operator customers.
Market Size and Share Report includes quarterly revenue-based market size and share for Datacom, Telecom, Industrial, and Consumer component segments. It also provides detailed unit shipments for detailed component product types, but detailed unit market share is provided, only coherent optical shipments made by OEM equipment makers.
Deliverables Excel file with complete data set, PowerPoint summary, and Active Insight. Includes a detailed summary of market performance for the report period.
Forecast 5 Years with annual market size totals. No market share forecasts.
Historical Start Date 2019
Last Published Report December 16, 2024
Upcoming Publication Dates March 20, 2025

Category Information

Name Revenue Market Share Unit Shipment Detail Regions
Datacom Optical components and modules used for 10km or less applications including AOCs Speeds: 400G/800G/1.6T
Module Types: QSFP28-DD
Reaches: SR/FR/DR/LR
Telecom Optical components and modules used for applications >10km including amplifiers, ROADMs, and filters. Speeds: 100/200/400/800G/1.2T/1.6T
Module Types: SFP/QSFP/QSFP28/QSFP28-DD/CFP2/Embedded
Reaches: ER/ZR/Direct Detect PAM-4/Coherent
Market Share: Only includes OEM coherent port shipments by speed
Consumer Lasers, laser sensors, and related sub-assemblies used for consumer applications. Future Expansion Worldwide
Industrial Lasers and laser sensors and related sub-assemblies used for industrial and mechanical vision, sensing, or cutting. Future Expansion Worldwide

Company Information

* indicates a company included in the “Other” category for revenue
† Indicates a company included in unit shipments only (not revenue)
AcaciaAcacia, now a part of Cisco, builds coherent optical DSPs and modules supporting metro and long distance optical links. Current products support 100Gbps to 600Gbps, including pluggable 400ZR/ZR+. All of Acacia’s revenue is designated as Telecom.
AccelinkAccelink builds optical modules across the transmission, datacom, access, and mobile broadband markets. Accelink's datacom revenue is included in the Datacom section. All other optical revenue is classified at Telecom.
Adtran†Adtran acquired ADVA in Jun 2023. All ADVA sales (see below) are now reported for Adtran.
ADVA†ADVA does not manufacture optical components for external sale, so its revenue is not included in the Revenue section of the report. ADVA's port shipments are included in the detailed component breakout. As of June 2023, ADVA's port shipments have moved to Adtran.
Applied OptoelectronicsApplied Optoelectronics (AAOI) builds optical components for the datacenter, telecom, cable television, and fiber to the home markets. AOOI’s datacenter products (e.g. SFP, OSFP, and QSFP modules supporting data rates from 1.25G to 800G) are included in its Datacom revenue. AAOI’s Telecom revenue includes products designated as Telecom, CATV, and FTTH.
BroadexBroadex manufactures Datacom transceivers from 10GbE to 400GbE. Broadex's estimated transceiver revenue is included in Datacom.
CienaCiena’s optical and switching hardware are covered in Cignal AI’s Transport Hardware report. Revenue from Ciena’s optical components built for internal use are included in hardware revenue. External sales of optical components are included in "Other".
Cisco*Cisco’s Telecom and Datacom estimated revenue is included as part of “Other” as the company does not provide guidance on optical component sales.
CoherentCoherent (originally II-VI) manufactures a huge variety of optical components from datacom transceivers to coherent telecom modules to industrial lasers and VCSEL arrays for sensing. The company reports Communications revenue, which is split into Telecom and Datacom (and a small percentage of unrelated wireless components) for Cignal AI reporting. Consume revenue consists of Coherent’s Automotive and Consumer Electronics revenue. Industrial consists of the company’s Industrial and Aerospace revenue. Other revenue (e.g., Life Sciences) is not included in this report.
Coherent (original)The original Coherent, which was purchased by II-VI in 3Q22 and subsequently renamed Coherent, wass a manufacturer of laser systems and instrumentation for manufacturing. All of Coherent (original)’s revenue was classified as Industrial.
EmcoreEmcore designs and sells optical components for applications ranging from aerospace to cable TV. Emcore’s PON and cable TV component revenues are counted as Telecom revenue. Emcore’s 10Gbps APD and PIN revenue is counted as Datacom revenue. All other optical component revenue is counted as Industrial.
EoptolinkeOptolink designs and sells a wide variety of datacom and telecom modules ranging from 10G to 400G. The company provides guidance on the split between datacom and telecom revenue.
Fiberhome†Fiberhome does not manufacture optical components for external sale, so its revenue is not included in the Revenue section of the report. Fiberhome's port shipments are included in the detailed component breakout.
FinisarFinisar, a part of II-VI / Coherent since late 2019, built optical transceivers for data communications (e.g., client form factor and router interfaces). All Finisar revenue is included in Datacom.
FujitsuFujitsu Optical Components build 100Gbps Ethernet modules for Datacom applications and 100Gbps to 400Gbps coherent modules and pluggables for Telecom. In addition, Fujitsu sells standalone coherent receivers and driver modulators, all of which are included in Telecom revenue.
Furukawa Electric*Furukawa Electric manufactures a variety of components such as pump lasers and signal light sources. Other than some fiber lasers sold specifically for Industrial, all of Furukawa Electrics' component revenue is included in Telecom.
HG GenuineHG Genuine and its subsidiaries manufacture optical modules and components for datacenter, wireless, and PON applications. HGG's datacenter products are included in Datacenter revenue. All other optical revenue is classified in Telecom.
Huawei†Huawei does not manufacture optical components for external sale, so its revenue is not included in the Revenue section of the report. Huawei's port shipments are included in the detailed component breakout.
Hisense BroadbandHisense Broadband manufactures a wide range of transceivers, including high speed datacenter modules. Hisense Broadband's revenue and module shipments are included in the report.
Infinera†Infinera does not manufacture optical components for external sale, so its revenue is not included in the Revenue section of the report. Infinera's port shipments are included in the detailed component breakout.
InnolightInnolight is a large manufacturer of data center, wireless interconnect, coherent, and fiber to the home optical modules. Data center module revenue is included in Datacom and all other module revenue is included in Telecom.
InphiInphi, now a part of Marvell, is included historically under Marvell for continuity.
Intel*Intel’s Telecom and Datacom estimated revenue is included as part of “Other” as the company does not provide guidance on optical component sales. Stating in 4Q24, Intel's module sales have migrated to Jabil.
IPG PhotonicsIPG primarily builds high power lasers for industrial use, although there are some small sales of lasers for telecommunications.
Jabil*Jabil acquired Intel's module business in October 2024. Jabil's module business to customers (not counting any custom work that appears in another vendor's numbers) is included in "Other".
LumentumLumentum sells products ranging from industrial lasers to VCSELs for sensors to a wide variety of telecommunications and data communications modules and components. The company’s reported Telecom & Datacom revenue is allocated to Telecom and Datacom, with Telecom including coherent and WDM components (including ROADMs) and Datacom including EMLs, DMLs, VCSELs, and APDs for communications. The company’s Industrial and Consumer is allocated to the Industrial and Consumer categories; Commercial Laser revenue is included in Industrial as well.
MarvellMarvell manufactures ColorZ direct detect 100Gbps modules and ColorZ2 coherent 400Gbps modules. Only revenue from those two modules is included (as Telecom) in Marvell’s revenue number in this report.
Mitsubishi*Mitsubishi Electronic builds optical front-ends for 100Gbps to 400Gbps Ethernet modules (included in Datacom revenue) as well as 5G and FTTH optical modules (included in Telecom revenue).
Molex*Molex’s Telecom and Datacom estimated revenue is included as part of “Other” as the company does not provide guidance on optical component sales.
NECNEC develops and manufactures optical transceivers for global customers. NEC's port shipments are included in the detailed component breakout and revenue from external component sales is included in the revenue section.
NeophotonicsNeophotonics builds a variety of optical components, most notably lasers and modules for coherent optical communications. Other than some lasers sold specifically for Datacom applications, all of Neophononics' component revenue is included in Telecom.
Nokia†Nokia’s optical and switching hardware are covered in Cignal AI’s Transport Hardware report. Revenue from Nokia’s optical components built for internal use are included in hardware revenue. External sales of optical components are not yet material.
OE SolutionsOE Solutions builds a variety of transceivers for the wireless, cable TV, and telecommunications markets. All OE Solutions transceiver revenue is included in Telecom.
OtherRevenue from companies who do not provide public information and must be estimated from other sources or companies who prefer to remain anonymous are included as "Other".
Packetlight†Packetlight does not manufacture optical components for external sale, so its revenue is not included in the Revenue section of the report. Packetlight's port shipments are included in the detailed component breakout.
SONT Technology*SONT is a private company that builds and supplies datacom transceivers, AOCs, and other optical products. All of SONT's revenue is counted in the Datacom category.
Source PhotonicsSource Photonics builds a wide variety of Ethernet modules, ranging from 1GbE to 400GbE, revenue from which is included in Datacom. The company also supplies a range of fronthaul optics for the wireless industry, revenue from which is included in Telecom.
SumitomoSumitomo Electric builds a wide variety of lasers, components, and modules for the telecom and datacom industries. Telecom revenue reported consists of modules only, including modules for broadband applications. Datacom revenue reported includes both modules and devices (e.g. EMLs).
Sumitomo Osaka CementSOC builds lithium niobate modulators that are used in telecommunications optical components. SOC's LiNb revenue is included in Telecom.
ZTE†ZTE does not manufacture optical components for external sale, so its revenue is not included in the Revenue section of the report. ZTE's port shipments are included in the detailed component breakout.

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