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Welcome to Transmit, a summary of our latest research and the important trends in the industry.

Coherent Technology Evolution

Coherent technology's development has split into two paths; one focused on maximum performance and the other on reduced power and cost for compact applications. Read our thoughts on how to best classify coherent products as development moves forward.

Next Week - Beyond 400ZR

Beyond 400ZR Title Slide

Tuesday, October 19, 2021 – 11 AM EDT (Boston/New York)

Learn how high-performance coherent pluggables can address a broad set of network applications.
  • Understand Nokia’s vision for using a range of coherent optics.
  • Examine Neophotonics’ latest module performance results.
  • Hear Windstream’s plans to implement 400ZR+ CFP2-based technology.
  • Get Cignal AI’s view on the market size of coherent pluggable technology.

Catch Up on Active Insight

Acacia Logo
Acacia Announces 1.2Tbps DSP and Coherent Module
Development moves past 90+ GBaud directly to 120+
Open ROADM logo
OpenROADM Update
Nearly 5 years after the project’s inception, AT&T disclosed that it has deployed OpenROADM-based networks across a dozen US metros.
OFC2021 Marketwatch SOTI Slide
OFC21: Marketwatch State of the Industry
Watch a free replay of our OFC presentation on trends in the coherent pluggable market

Upcoming Events

November 15, 2021 - NGON Speaking - Virtual

December 2021 - Component Report Tour - Bay Area, CA

March 7-10, 2022 - OFC - San Diego, CA